Ron & KC Provoost, we’re a Dutch couple. In 2021 we bought a motor cruiser at auction.

As first time boat owners we knew nothing and started learning as we went. After some serious renovations for a few months at the shipyard, where luckily, everyone was very helpful and we learned a lot about boats and everything that comes with that.

After 6 months of DIY we launched the boat and started sailing. As we didn’t have experience we had the winter months to learn. Actually, it went pretty smoothly. The first place we could home the boat was Veerse meer, it’s a large lake in Zeeland. Being a lake it has no tide and is a wonderful space to learn how to sail.

After a while, we started talking about how we fell in love with sailing, motor yachting and it would be good for us to move from Veerse Meer to other waters. So we found a new place, located at Oosterschelde which is sea but not completely open. Being on bigger waters is awesome, and the seals and porpoises definitely help!

Not knowing much about boats, the motor cruiser we bought is not really suitable for open sea sailing and now that we know we like more open waters and sailing along the coast, we want an other ship. To see what we like and don’t like we rented a yacht in Croatia to try.

Our journey right now is finding a new yacht, selling the one we have and we would like to spend more time on it, so maybe like most of the summer months on the yacht and winter months in our house.

Eventually it would be awesome to sail around the world.